"?"Hair Transplant For Beginner

Monday, August 30, 2010

12 Facts about hair transplants

Thinking about having a Hair Transplants for your head?What you know about the in theory and practice behind the surgery?Hair Transplantation is a surgery,YOU NEED a certified plastic surgeons ,it is not something you can get from normal hair loss treatment center or hair saloon.Check out the Procedure of Hair Transplantation.

There are a lot of questions regarding the hair surgery,for instant,what after the surgery?Are there pain?  Below listed some facts that you should know before getting your very fist hair transplants surgery.

12 Facts about hair transplants:

1. For those who have faced the hair loss problems,hair transplantation is a technique whereby the physician enters hairs from a thick area of hair growth to bald areas.
2. Most transplants are performed as an outpatient with local anesthesia.
It may take about 4 to 8 hours, depending on the procedure. There is minimal pain
3. New transplanted hairs usually are growing 16 weeks after the procedure. It can, however, take up to 9
months for growth to be complete.
4. Most patients return to work the day after the surgery. They can comb their new hair within a few months.
5. A hair transplant is safe. It is effective and reliable. To top it off, it is affordable.
6. Transplants are effective and provide results.
7. Transplants are the top 5 most popular cosmetic procedures among men in the U.S.
8. The newer micrografts produce a more natural looking head of hair.
9. Transplants are usually done on an outpatient basis within several hours. A few sessions may be needed
throughout the course of a two year period.
10. Transplants are rarely covered by insurance.
11. The permanent solution for male and female hair loss is a hair transplant.
12. Best candidates are those who have common male-pattern or female-pattern baldness, which is a genetic condition.

Here you have it,12 Facts about hair transplants,get the professional certified plastic surgeons,do your reserve via internet,you might also consider Non-surgical hair replacement system if you are not ready for the surgery for certain reason ,such as money,and time problem.

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Friday, July 30, 2010

The Cure For Baldness Myth

*Always do your research on what to Consider on Hair Restoration Surgeries

You might already know and agree that hair loss is hard top avoid.By age 50, 1 out of every 2 men in the U. S. experiences some degree of hair loss. By age 70, about 4 out of 5 Caucasian men have balding and 2 out of 5 Caucasian wmen have thinning hair.If you having hair problem lately,you might need to check out How to determine Your Hair Loss is Abnormal?

In the newest installment of "As Seen On TV," we look at modern medicine's greatest achievement. No, not the cure for smallpox, the cure for baldness!!

A scourge has afflicted mankind for eons. It is a harsh genetic disease, mercilessly attacking generation after generation. It is baldness. There was a time when the only cure for this affliction hawked on late night TV was Ron Popeil's Hair In a Can. Look how far we've come.

Nowadays, the undisputed heavyweight champion of baldness cure commercials is Bosley's hair "restoration" surgery system. Sure, Bosley has celebrity endorsements from megawatt superstars like American Idol reject Matt Rogers, but does it really work? And if so, how?

The Bosley system for hair replacement is a common hair transplantation surgical procedure known as Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT). FUT usually costs between $10,000 and $15,000 and involves five steps.(Yeah that a lot of money) First, the doctor plans out the new hairline. Then the doctor surgically removes a strip of scalp from the back of the head. Using a microscope, technicians then remove the individual hair follicles from the strip. Finally, the team pokes holes in the bald scalp and inserts the hair follicles into the holes. The common side effects are itching and inflammation in the scalp, as well as possible pain and infection associated with all surgery.

"You're not getting new hair, you're just moving hair around," said David Alpeter, a doctor at the New York Bosley clinic. "The key to this is that the density of hair is so great that you can take from the back of the head without any evidence of loss there whatsoever."

Dermatologist developed FUT to overcome the problems associated with older forms of hair transplantation. Those older methods involved either implanting single hairs in uniform rows or grafting small chunks of scalp from the back of the head to the top.

These procedures could not transplant large quantities of hair per session and left the patient with thin, uniformly distributed hairs. Obviously, few patients found hair transplants worth the money for the procedure (although the Vice-President-elect was an early adopter of the technology).

"People used to be afraid of getting the procedure because they would end up with what looked like doll hair," said Amy McMichael, associate professor of dermatology at the Wake Forrest University School of Medicine in Winston-Salem, North Carolina,

Then, in 1994, B.L. Limmer, a dermatologist from San Antonio, Texas, published the seminal paper in the field. His paper illustrated how hair grew in little patches, with a couple of hairs rooted to the same follicle. Limmer demonstrated how that those single follicles could be dissected out of a strip of scalp by using a microscope. Soon Robert Bernstein, a clinical professor of dermatology at Columbia University, took the next step and actually implanted those separated follicles back into the top of the scalp, essentially reseeding the head with hair. Thus FUT was born.

"FUT allowed us to transplant thousands [of hairs] in a single session. And by using the body's natural unit of hair, it looks more natural. It was a seismic change," said Bernstein.

The doctors at Bosley use the FUT techniques pioneered by Limmer and Bernstein in the mid-1990s, and, according to Alpeter, are the world's largest hair transplant group, with about 22 surgeons in the U.S. However, while the technique works, Bernstein worries that the advertising sends the wrong message.

"Not everyone is a good candidate for the surgery, and you have to be careful about people who advertise a lot over prescribing the procedure," said Bernstein.

Funny, no one ever complained about over prescription of Hair In A Can, and they advertised that all the time.

The Cure For Baldness Myth

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Hair Transplant Procedure

Before we get into more deeper info and learning what involve in Hair Transplant Procedure,we should bear in mind that Hair replacement surgery is just a minor surgical procedure.Thus the procedure can be performed on an outpatient basis in those qualify fully equipped hair transplant clinic.

Theoretically,it just a moving process of our hair.The roots or hair follicles moved from their original location to another area(which is bald) behave in the same way as they did in their original site.

The procedure started with the surgeon removing a specific amount of hair(grafts) from the donor site, which is often located on the back or side of the scalp,minimal amount of bleeding during the transplant procedure is expected,and you can't see it because it on top of you head.

During the procedure,your doctor will remove a strip of skin from the donor area and close the opening with self-absorbable sutures. The donor strip is further cut into 3 sizes of grafts — the micro graft, the single follicular unit, and the modified follicular unit.

The single hair follicular unit has 1 hair; single follicular unit has about 2 hairs; and the modified follicular unit has 2 to 4 hairs. The surgical technicians then isolate individual hair follicles from the donor strip, and implant them to the graft region.

The grafts are inserted into pre-cut micro and mini slits that are strategically designed to aesthetically improve the density of your existing hair, lower the hairline, and fill in balding areas. These hair transplant procedure should only be done on trusted and qualify hair transplant doctor.Always check the testimonial before doing any Hair replacement surgery.Good and professional hair restoration surgeon will always supply you with full written instructions explaining the pre and postoperative routines before undergoing any hair transplant treatment.

 Hair Transplant procedure
The success rate is high as long as you have enough donor hair and the best part of having this kind of Hair Transplant procedure is it does not have any long term or major Hair Transplant side effects. However you need to take the medication that provided after the procedure in in order to prevent possible complications such as infection and swelling.

How long will the procedure needed? It generally takes about 3 to 8 hours depending on the number of grafts.After the procedure,there will be a fine scar on the donor area that you be able to cover up with the existing surrounding hair.

Usually expected there is some pain after procedure but it just minor pain and in the normal circumstance you can return to work on the very next day. If very thing goes smooth ,there should be no additional care needed on the transplanted hair;we talk about things like shampoo,gel,styling your transplanted hair, never forget,it is your own hair!

Normally,the transplanted hair will start to grow as normal hair you used to have,it took  3 to 6 months, and will have the more strength, color, texture, length, and life span as your hair from your donor area.Within 6 months period of time,the new transplanted hair can be combed in any style you like just like your own hair(It is)

Why Hair Replacement Surgery?In most cases, even in the most advanced hair loss problem, like male pattern baldness,when hair follicles moved from others hairy fringe to the bald area on scalp,it will take root and regrow. That's what Hair Transplant Procedure all about.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Why Hair Replacement Surgery

Talk about method of how to stop hair loss,men have gone to so many difference ways in trying to regain their hair and one of the most talk about method would be: Hair restoration.

Why Hair Replacement Surgery
For men,loosing their hair in the very young age can be taken as a sign of unattractiveness,old age,and infertility. Studies have shown that baldness is one of the main cause of low self-esteem and low self-confidence in men.

More then 70% of men experience some degree of thinning hair in their lifetime. Causes of hair loss vary from difference people,basically it can be classified into several factors,stress,diet,genes, hormones, and age,etc.Bald Factors like emotional turmoil, medication, poor nutrition, and illness may cause excessive daily shedding.However,these factors are often temporary,and we shouldn't worry too much about,since our hair will growth back once these factors have ended.While factors like genes(Male pattern baldness aka Hereditary baldness)genetics ,hormones, and age,etc are very hard to prevent from losing hair.

Hair restoration technology has rapidly improved in recent years. There several options used for people who facing the hair loss problem,and hair transplantation is emerging as one of the most effective treatment for baldness.

Before we get in more detail about the Procedure of Hair Transplant.Note that on average,a person sheds and regrows about 50 - 100 hairs a day.If the falling hair accessing that amount of hairs.Then there is a problem:BALD.

Certainly,men who begin to notice their hair is decreasing in abnormal way in their early twenties are more likely to suffer from extremely low self-esteem.
 The problem occur on hair follicles that become thinner and weaker. Male patterned baldness is scientifically called Androgenetic Alopecia, which is caused by genes, hormones, and age.

Hair transplantation also known as Hair replacement surgery,is a surgical procedure relocates existing hair follicles from the others parts of your body(with healthy hair follicles) to the balding area.

Hair loss is part of a natural process of the body's rejuvenation process. As hair falls out,new hair follicles replace it.When the existing hair follicles unable to to grow any more new hair,we just replace in with the others hair follicles that active in growing new hair from others part of our body.It's really not hard to understand the theory behind.Just like moving hair from one area to another.On next post we will talk about the hair transplant procedure.All process should be done at qualify hair transplant clinic .After the hair replacement surgery process,you will notice red dots where the follicles had been implanted. Typically,new hair growth takes between three and five months.

Why Hair Transplant Surgery original content By:http://hairtransplantbeginner.blogspot.com